Motivation To Clean Room

I can not have people watching my dirty dishes in the sink! No I have people over many times
(thanks to life in the countryside away from many people), so that when they come over
,motivation to clean room  I want to impress! I prefer to have much time for them to clean
my house really, compared with the method of "sprint and things" when reaches 20 minutes notice
. You know, running around the house, stuffing papers and shoes in a laundry room to be "prohibited"
for the company.motivation to clean room
motivation to clean room - kill all the germs effectively
was sick at home puts me in a cleaning rampage! The germs die, die! I do not feel sane I have
all my steam plants scrubbed and sprayed every inch of the house with Lysol.
motivation to clean room

Saturday, 13 July 2013

How to Clean Your House in a Hurry: 6 Tips

Cleaning your house may seem like an ominous task, but really it is not. If you have everything planned and ready you can get your house cleaned in minutes. The two evils that delay house cleaning are procrastination and fear of hard work. Don't let these two get you down! You don't need to spend hours and hours scrubbing the floors and walls. All you need are some time management and housecleaning tips.
Here are some tips for you to follow if you need your house cleaned in a hurry.
• Use a Timer:
An effective way to get motivated to start cleaning is to tell yourself it's for a set amount of time. Pull out your brooms, mops, and buckets and set your timer. Set a realistic time limit-maybe one or two hours. When you know that you will be free of your cleaning duties once the timer goes off, it will give you enough motivation to work hard for those few hours.
• Put on some music:
Get your player out and put on your favorite rock music! Rock-and -roll songs will get you on your feet and will draw you into fast cleaning. Sing
and dance along as you dust off your tables. You will have a clean house in no time and will enjoy yourself too!
• Involve the others at home:
Get your other housemates, spouse, roommate, kids, whoever is around, to help you with the cleaning. If you have help you can get the house cleaning done in half the time. You can even turn it into a game to make it more fun. Divide the people into the different rooms and see who finished first! To make it interesting keep a small prize for the winner! Put on some music and get to work!
• Keep all cleaning materials in one place:
Pick a shelf in the cupboard or fill a bag with all your cleaning supplies. You can have a duster, window cleaner, wipes, mops, squeegee, furniture polish, feather duster, rags, and cleaning sprays. Don't waste all your time rummaging in your cupboard or searching round the house for your cleaning supplies. Having them all in one place will save you a lot of time.
• Use a big bag trash bag:
As you move around the house, cleaning, tote around a black plastic bag with you. Any wastebasket contents, floor sweepings, or leftover debris must go into the bag. Once the bag is full, dump it into your garbage
bin outside the house for recycling.
• Move in a systematic manner:
Don't move around the house in circles. It may seem you're getting things done but you're actually just moving round and round, retracing your steps. Try and work your way from up to down and left to right. If you clean in a systematic manner like this you will done with a room in no time and can move onto another.
Housecleaning doesn't have to be a tedious and tiresome job. You can make it fun and do it quickly. You just need some motivation, a plan, and some cleaning supplies!
If you feel it's too much for you to do yourself, call a house cleaning service like Stapleton Home Services. They will do a great job for you.
For more information, please visit our Stapleton Maid Service website.
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10 Ways to Motivate Yourself to Clean the House

If you are reading this, you probably need to clean your house/room but you just can't find any motivation to do it. I feel the same way sometimes, especially when I see a big pile of things that need to be organized. These are just a couple of the tips I use to get motivated to clean my house/room. I hope it helps you.
1. Get the garbage can
We sometimes feel motivated to clean by just starting to throw out all the things that we don't need anymore. Doing this will unclutter the house and it will become easier for you to clean.
2. The "15 minutes tidying" exercise
Do this exercise: for the next 15 minutes do all the tidying that you can. Start from the door of your house/room and move clockwise towards the end of the room. Do this until 15 minutes are up and then take a break of 10-15 minutes. Look at what you managed to accomplish in only 15 minutes and you will get motivated to do some more "15 minutes" exercises until you clean your entire house/room.
3. Watch TV shows
When you watch TV shows specialized in home improvement or home cleaning you will get new ideas that will motivate you to start cleaning. This is a great way to see how others deal with problems related to cleaning. It's an easy way to get solutions to you cleaning problems.
4. Set some cleaning goals
Making a list of things to do before you start cleaning, will make you more organized and will give you a higher level of motivation because you will know what to do and when to do it. Set realistic goals and deadlines for them. Goals can range anywhere from cleaning a part of a room to cleaning the entire room or just to throw the garbage from within a special area. Goals are up to you.
5. Are your tools near?
You should always ask your self this question. See what tools you need to clean a room and keep them close at reach so that when needed you won't have to go searching for any of them. This will save a lot of time and you will be motivated to keep cleaning because you have what you need near by.
6. Some changes maybe?
You can use the "change something" trick to get yourself motivated to clean your room/house. All you have to do is make little changes here and there, redecorating your room or moving a couch from here to there. The idea is to do something new, to make a change that will motivate you into cleaning so that you actually see how the change would look like.
7. What about a new tool/product?
Another way to motivate yourself into cleaning your house is to buy a new tool or cleaning product that will help you do the work in an easy way. There are tools that do the work for you and tools that make it a whole lot easier. This makes cleaning a piece of cake and fun too!
8. Website help
Try searching for websites that relate to house cleaning. You will find a lot of tips and tricks that will ease your job. Don't try to reinvent the weal. Just follow what others are doing to get the job done faster and better.
9. Could you use carpet scents to help you out?
If you need some motivation to start vacuuming, try this out: go and get a carpet scenter that you like (be sure that it requires vacuuming). Go home and start sprinkling the carpet scenter all over the room. This way you have to start vacuuming so that the room will smell nice. Try it and see if it works.
10. Try unusual approaches
Think of ways to make your work easier. Try to combine some of the things you already know and maybe you will come up with new ideas on how to get your house cleaner faster and easier.
I hope these tips help you and if you need more tips check the resource box!
I embrace you,
Razvan Dobre 
For another 18 tips on how to motivate yourself to clean your house/room click here. Come to my blog and get help in every area of your life! I love to help people improve and grow! If your life is already good, why not make it amazing? If it's not that good, why not make it wonderful? Take my hand and let's take your life to the skies! The sky is not the limit, only your mind is.
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Home Time Management: How to Get Your Teen to Clean Their Room

Get this room cleaned today!
This is probably one of the most oft-repeated phrases in the world today. Having raised four children, I know it's been said in my house thousands of times over the past decades. It can wreak havoc with your home time management plan because even though the rest of the house stayed pretty decent... many would even say they couldn't tell four children live there... their rooms, on the other hand, we often struggled over.
Through the years, however, I've come to realize that there might actually be a better way. Don't get me wrong, what I wanted done eventually got done, but by the time I got around to saying something I was already pretty fed up. That doesn't really lead to any functional conversations between parents and teens.
If you've ever argued with a teen over how their room looks you'll realize several things:
1.) Things can get heated pretty darn quick... because...
2.) Teens seem to think it's their space and they should be able to keep it any 'ole way they want... and...
3.) In some ways they do have a point... but...
4.) This latest battle is just another duty of our job as a parent which is to steer them toward more acceptable ways of living. This particular part of our job started with toddler struggles-e.g., with discouraging them from eating dirt or picking their nose-things we consider socially inappropriate but which they see no problem. Clean rooms are simply one of the teen struggles... so...
5.) As long as you both realize this is nothing personal-it's just business as normal in a household with a teen-you can move past this stage-as you hopefully did the eating dirt and boogers one. You can do that by...
6.) Making your teen want to clean her room.
Yes, those are powerful words. Yes, it is doable. And yes, I'm going to show you how.
What will make the difference is to shift the source of motivation.
See, right now their motivation is to get you off their back. That's it. And the only one who has a problem is you. Their motivation is extrinsic whereas what's going to get real action and real change is intrinsic motivation.
So, how do you cultivate that intrinsic motivation?
It's really not too hard. We all work for what we want and they don't get what they want until that room is cleaned. Period! There's no fussing from you. No yelling or screaming. No power struggles. They can't do what they want until that room is cleaned... to your specifications, not their's.
No phone, no computer, no mall, no friends over... nothing, until they've done what's needed to be done.
It won't take long until they get it done. They may even like the new look too. You could even get her some new pillows or bedding.
Now I would like to point out that while that's the crux of creating that needed intrinsic motivation, it's phrased very negatively and you should make every effort to phrase it positively (we all respond better to things positively stated). For instance, instead of saying "You're not leaving this house until you leave for college or this room is cleaned, whichever comes first," you could say, "Sure, you can go to the mall with your friends, as soon as your room is cleaned I'll take you."
So now you know how to get your teen to clean her room and eradicate that home time management problem.
If you'd like to learn more including how to get your kids to help out more around the house... from their own laundry, to chores, to cooking... then check out my program on Time Management and Kids. Also, visit my website... Mary Segers for a brief synopsis of my available programs ranging from single mp3's covering a specific topic, to bundled programs focusing on different aspects such as home or relationships, to group coaching programs. A ton of help is available there.
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